Windows 11 Personalization Settings will help you customize your PC

Windows 11 Personalization Settings derive with a wide range of settings that help you to customize and personalize your Windows PC. You buttocks change the theme of your Windows PC, customize the Start Menu, personalize the Taskbar demeanour, use dual desktops, and a spate more!

Windows 11 Personalization Settings

windows 11 personalization settings

To open the Windows 11 Personalization Settings, starboard-click on the Start Menu > Settings > Personalization. You can make a lot of changes to your PC such equally dynamic the background image, setting up a color theme, customizing the lock screen and taskbar, installing new font styles, and then on. In this guide, we will take care into all of these Personalization Settings in detail which will enable you to personalise the look and tone of your Windows 11 PC.

Windows 11 Personalization Settings can beryllium categorized as follows:

  1. Background
  2. Colors
  3. Themes
  4. Lock Screen
  5. Extend to keyboard
  6. Start
  7. Taskbar
  8. Fonts
  9. Device Usage

Let us take a look at them.

1] Background:

Screen backgroun Settings enable you to personalize your Windows 11 desktop background with either a picture, concrete color, or even a slideshow. You bum set a timekeeper to change the screen backgroun envision automatically all 1 minute, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, or 1 twenty-four hour period. It also suggests an alternative to scuffle the scene Holy Order. Side by side, you will notic a drop-down button that lets you choose a convulsion for your screen background image – Take, Able, Stretch, Tile, Shopping center, Span. Adjudicate exterior these options to find your best right predilection!

2] Colors:

Here, you can take the color mode for your Windows background and apps – Light, Dark, or you can also choose the Custom option. The Custom alternative lets you one by one select the default option color mode – light or dark – for the Windows mode as asymptomatic as for the App mode. You prat turn happening the Transparency effects if you would like to have a semitransparent effect on Windows and its surfaces, for example, the Taskbar. Past, you testament see the option to choose the Accent color – Manual and Automatic. The Blue-collar option allows you to choose any color of your option from the given range of colours; you stool also opt and preview a custom accent gloss. Lastly, you will construe with two options below that you can hinge upon if you care to demo the accent color on Outset and Taskbar, and usher accent color on title parallel bars and windows borders.

3] Themes:

Themes are a compounding of various features such As desktop wallpapers, color outline, sounds, and such which gives your Windows desktop a unique look and feel to that. You can choose a current theme from the shown themes or you pot also browse for Sir Thomas More themes from the Microsoft Lay in. Choose or customize a paper that gives the outside personality to your Windows 11 desktop!

4] Lock Screen:

These settings lease you personalize your Lock Screen and lock screen status. You May select an app such as calendar, mail, weather, 3D viewer, Xbox console champion for your lock screen status. If you wishing, you ass also turn on the option to show the interlock screen background picture on the sign-in screen.

5] Touch Keyboard:

touch keyboard themes windows 11

This section of settings includes keyboard size, keyboard paper, key background, and key text. To begin with, enjoyment the yellow-bellied terrapin to increase or decrease the keyboard size as per your requirement. Then, you have the keyboard root that you can opt from a variety of themes – Pale, Dark, Black-White, Ice Blue, Poppy Flushed, or default, operating theatre a custom theme of your superior. The Custom theme allows you to take colors for Windows, schoolbook, and keys; and also lets you preview the way it looks. Turn on the key background option if you same to have a background slow your keys. Key text sized lets you choose the size options from small, cooked, or large. At the end of all these settings, you can view your keyboard changes and prevue it.

5] Start:

These are the settings pertaining to the Windows 11 Start Menu. You can opt to bear witness the recently added apps, most used apps, and recently opened items in Start, Leap out Lists, and Register Explorer. You can also prefer the folders you wish to show on Start.

7] Taskbar:

These settings wish set aside you to control the conduct of the Taskbar. You can choose to render or hide Taskbar items such as search, task view, widgets, chat, pen menu, touch keyboard, virtual touchpad, and such. Under Taskbar corner overflow, you can hinge upon the buttons for the items you wish to choose in the Taskbar corner and Taskbar corner overflow menu. Lastly, you give a couple of settings for Taskbar behaviors, such A Taskbar alignment, badging, multiple displays, etc.

8] Fonts:

You leave find a vast option of fonts that you can choose from, that you can also filter by specific or all languages. If you are looking for a certain font type, you can search for the corresponding in the lookup package. To add more fonts, you can install unaccustomed fonts by dragging font files from the File Internet Explorer or desktop. Come home on 'Get more fonts in Microsoft Memory' to explore more options.

9] Device usance:

These Windows 11 Settings countenance you to oversee your Windows device by turning on or turning off personalised tips, recommendations, and ads regarding gaming, mob, creativity, school, entertainment, business, concealment resources, etc.

All these settings are a part of the Windows 11 Personalization Settings that let you customise and personalize your Windows 11 PC.

How do I change the theme in Windows 11?

To change the theme in Windows 11, take after these steps:

  1. PressWin+Ito open the Windows Settings.
  2. Go toPersonalization > Themes.
  3. Select a report you want to apply.
  4. Click on the theme to enable it.

How do I customize the Kickoff menu in Windows 11?

Open Windows 11 Settings > Personalization > Start. here, you have the following ways to customize the Windows 11 Start Menu and change its look:

  1. Move Start Menu to the left side
  2. Change Start Menu colouration
  3. Pin operating room unpin apps
  4. Absent apps from the Recommended list
  5. Obscure recently opened items/apps in Start Bill of fare
  6. Evidenc or hide Library folders.

Hope this tutorial was dewy-eyed and easy to understand.

Windows 11 Personalization Settings will help you customize your PC


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